Monday, May 17, 2010

Returning to reality is overrated.

It is all Wal-Marts and cute tops and mall excursions.
Money sticks to nothing in my wallet;
it is like water, annoyingly ever-necessary.

But to need another person is yet more unwillingly frustrating.
Seeks but never sought; it must have been foretold.
I am tired of feeling pathetic and desperate because my friend refuses to be my friend.

And now a moment of silence for the truth.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Love in This Club plays and I kindly sway my hips.
He's butchering the lyrics and riffs, but everyone smiles and sips
Smiles and sips.

College days are still upon me, I'm reminded; not all is lost.
There are still these swarms of bodies, pressing upon me from either side: man, woman, beverage.
Face after face, urging me to remember them, to make them something important to me.
"Oh sorry!" "Oh no, really I'm the sorry one..."
Cute smile on that one as he walks away, looking over his shoulder to throw me another coy glance.

Alice, where have you led me now?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Dunkin' Donuts coffee is the finest
when my head should be pounding and
I feel a sense of loss for the person I was last night.

Cleaning up beer bottles, the new calisthenics.
I do my sun asanas to you, Samuel, Corona, and Dos Equis.

What we lose in a morning, we never had to begin with.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

And so it is....

When I get to the end of the road,
And all that is behind me is dirt, and rocks and man eating beasts,
don't worry.
Gasping through the darkening before my eyes,
Clutching my arms to my chest, elbows tucked for the free fall,
there I went.
Did you see me go?

Like a boulder, tumbling,
Never knowing its greatest strength.

Mother, get the needle, this job is too big for that bandaid.